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What ISO 27001 Certification Is and Why We Need It

What ISO 27001 Certification Is and Why We Need It

The company was recently audited by the British Standards Institution (BSI) and was certified in relation to the process "Software Development and VoIP Solutions Based on the CPaaS Model" for compliance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 27001: 2013.

4 IVR Strategies for Great Customer Calls – Voximplant

4 IVR Strategies for Great Customer Calls – Voximplant

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems are supposed to enhance the customer experience, but often they diminish it. Use Voximplant Kit for flexible IVR tools to bring a smile to customers faces & customize to your needs.

Personalized Service 101: What it is and How to Deliver it

Personalized Service 101: What it is and How to Deliver it

For many consumers, personalized customer service is key to good customer experiences (CX). According to a 2020 survey by Gladly, close to two-thirds of respondents said that “lack of personalization makes [them] feel like a ticket number.” Businesses wishing to meet and exceed customer expectations need to make personalized service a top priority. But personalization goes beyond making movie recommendations or using a customer’s name in an email subject line. When it comes to personalized service, it’s paramount that you deliver relevant, valuable, and speedy support to promote positive customer experiences. In this article, we’ll break down what personalized service means, why it’s so important to CX, and how you can deliver personalization service to your customers.

Where CPaaS Deploy their Networks - a Comparison

Where CPaaS Deploy their Networks - a Comparison

A couple weeks ago, Amazon Web Services (AWS) experienced an outage in its US-EAST-1 region. As so many services rely on AWS, this outage had a broader impact, causing outages and various issues with Amazon’s own Ring services, online retailers, and even the New York City MTA. In addition, a couple major Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) providers also reported issues (Voximplant was not impacted), potentially impacting the communications of many of their customers.  With this in mind, now is a good time to look at how CPaaS offers leverage public cloud infrastructure and review the factors involved in providing reliable, high quality communications services. In this post we will review the public cloud infrastructure used by several major CPaaS vendors and discuss the implications of their choices.

Speech Technologies For Your Business – The Future of CX

Speech Technologies For Your Business – The Future of CX

Striving to offer the best service possible, contact centers are usually very quick to adopt new technologies and try out innovative solutions. Successful implementation of speech technologies can create a great competitive advantage for a company.

What is a no code contact center?  – Voximplant

What is a no code contact center?  – Voximplant

When looking for a new contact center solution you can go two routes: the technical route or the no-code route which empowers teams to design their call center processes without technical expertise. Voximplant Kit is the virtual contact solution for non-technical teams.

5 Reasons why Voximplant is the Best Choice for Multi-Channel Communication

5 Reasons why Voximplant is the Best Choice for Multi-Channel Communication

In today's fast-paced digital world, communication is more important than ever. With the rise of multi-channel communication, businesses need a reliable platform that can handle a variety of communication channels. That's where Voximplant comes in. Voximplant is a cloud communication platform that offers a wide range of features and capabilities for multi-channel communication. Now, we'll explore reasons why Voximplant is the best choice for multi-channel communication.