are likelier to answer their phone if the caller ID displays the logo and name of a brand they recognize (Businessware)
more likely to answer calls from numbers with local area codes (Softwareadvice)
from unknown numbers do not receive a response (Сalleridreputation)
We created IntelliTunk by fusing the platform's capabilities and offering them as one easy-to-use service that can significantly increase your outbound campaign performance.
IntelliTrunk is built with scalability in mind. It works great for any use case – whether it is trigger calls or large predictive campaigns, where hundreds of simultaneous calls are made via the trunk. We are well-equipped to serve businesses of all sizes.
IntelliTrunk is easy to set up and use with both the external VoIP systems via SIP protocol or in Voximplant apps. You can create a number of smart trunks with different settings and use them with various systems simultaneously.
Voximplant IntelliTrunk is designed to facilitate your outbound call campaigns and enhance the effectiveness of your predictive dialer.
An answering machine response can be detected with 99.26% accuracy
Real-time tracking of connection rates
It takes 1 second to identify a live person on the line
Notifications about connection rate changes
Hundreds of lines / simultaneous calls are supported
Smooth integration with 3rd party VoIP systems using SIP protocol
IntelliTrunk™ allows you to connect PBX or VoIP system to Voximplant, enhancing your outbound sales campaigns. With features like Answering Machine Detection (AMD) and Caller ID Shaper, you can increase connection rates, distinguish between human, voicemail, and bots, and ultimately optimize your sales efforts.
IntelliTrunk™ assists healthcare providers and service businesses in reducing appointment no-shows. Seamlessly integrate your PBX or VoIP system with Voximplant for automated outbound appointment reminders. Leverage AMD and Caller ID Shaper to ensure your reminders reach the right person, increasing appointment attendance.
IntelliTrunk™ empowers debt collection agencies to enhance their outreach efforts. Utilize features like AMD and Caller ID Shaper to improve contact rates, differentiate between live answers and voicemails, and increase the effectiveness of debt collection calls.
Leverage the intelligence of AMD and Caller ID Shaper to ensure your surveys reach the right audience. Detect human respondents, voicemails, and bots for more accurate data collection.