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Tag: webrtc

An Introduction to Selective Forwarding Units

An Introduction to Selective Forwarding Units

Adding peer-to-peer communications to an application is relatively straight-forward. Developers can leverage WebRTC APIs or a CPaaS service to quickly add real time voice and video to their web or mobile app. But, what if you want to hold a meeting with more than two people? How can you leverage powerful WebRTC APIs to build a multi party conferencing application?

WebRTC API Guide

WebRTC API Guide

Thanks to the WebRTC standard, your customers and colleagues can join a call without needing to install or download apps. See how innovative technology impacts the telecommunications world

HD Audio Playback / Streaming

HD Audio Playback / Streaming

Your mp3 or ogg files played on VoxEngine scenario level with call.startPlayback or using Player will be played on the Web or Mobile SDK side in HD quality (48KHz), or on SIP side if it does support wideband audio codecs (Speex or Opus).

HD Audio Recording

HD Audio Recording

We chose 48 KHz as the base sample rate for HD audio recorder, since WebRTC/Opus can offer this quality, audio from endpoints with lower sample rate will be re-sampled.

WebRTC Meetup Barcelona Edition

WebRTC Meetup Barcelona Edition

Victor Pascual from Quobis invited us to participate in WebRTC meetup that took place on March 4th in Barcelona, we accepted the invitation and I'm really happy that we did.

Firefox 34 update

Firefox 34 update

Mozilla recently released Firefox 34 and there were some changes in WebRTC stack that weren't compatible with our Web SDK. We have fixed most of them, p2p video calling will be fixed on Monday.

5 Reasons why Voximplant is the Best Choice for Multi-Channel Communication

5 Reasons why Voximplant is the Best Choice for Multi-Channel Communication

In today's fast-paced digital world, communication is more important than ever. With the rise of multi-channel communication, businesses need a reliable platform that can handle a variety of communication channels. That's where Voximplant comes in. Voximplant is a cloud communication platform that offers a wide range of features and capabilities for multi-channel communication. Now, we'll explore reasons why Voximplant is the best choice for multi-channel communication.