Audio and Video record`s URL length can be more than 255 characters.
To make our platform better we are now removing the limit, so URL length can be longer than 255 characters.
To make our platform better we are now removing the limit, so URL length can be longer than 255 characters.
Voximplant now can save audio without compression.
We are happy to announce that video calls that use H.264 video codec can now be recorded. Recorded video calls that use H.264 will be stored as mp4 files (calls with video in VP8 format are stored as webm files).
We chose 48 KHz as the base sample rate for HD audio recorder, since WebRTC/Opus can offer this quality, audio from endpoints with lower sample rate will be re-sampled.
If a call is made in non-P2P mode then its media stream goes via our media servers and we can record it if required.
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We are excited to bring you the latest updates to Voximplant Kit! We have prepared numerous improvements that will help you elevate your customer service quality to a new level.
OpenAI has launched its beta Realtime API, revolutionizing voice assistants with speech-to-speech interactions, ultra-low latency, and realistic voices. Voximplant’s integration makes it easy to connect calls to OpenAI's models, enabling seamless, human-like conversations with minimal setup.
The integration between the Kommo CRM system and the Voximplant Kit cloud omnichannel contact center offers companies new opportunities to enhance customer interaction processes.
In this digest, we will bring you the latest updates to Voximplant Kit. We have added support for outbound WhatsApp messages, Mobile chats, support for ElevenLabs neural voices, and new automated campaign settings.
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New Features in Voximplant Kit: Update overview. We are constantly working to improve our product to make it easier to use and more effective for you. In this update, we have added several useful features. Here’s what’s new: