We are happy to announce that video calls that use H.264 video codec can now be recorded. Recorded video calls that use H.264 will be stored as mp4 files (calls with video in VP8 format are stored as webm files). There are few ways to enable H.264 in your video calls: - Use H264first Config param (Web SDK) - Use H264first flag in CallSettings (Web SDK) - Mobile SDKs are being updated to let developers enable H264 in video calls According to the following research from Chris Koehncke using H.264 instead of VP8 can save up to 50% in terms of power consumption https://www.chriskranky.com/webrtc-impacts-on-battery-life/ , in addition to that mp4/avc is widely used and supported by most players in both online and offline worlds. See the example of video recording below (Firefox->Voximplant, no post-processing) https://vimeo.com/215691569 P.S. Feel free to ping us if you have any problems with video call recording

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