Mobile SDKs: legacy API removal
As of October 1, 2019, we will release new versions of mobile SDKs to remove legacy APIs.
As of October 1, 2019, we will release new versions of mobile SDKs to remove legacy APIs.
Looking for the best Zapier alternatives in 2024? Discover 8 powerful tools tailored for various budgets and needs—perfect for workflow automation, data sync, and integrations. Whether you're a small team or a large enterprise, find the right solution to boost efficiency.
Meet the latest Voximplant Kit updates that will make your work more efficient and comfortable. New CURRENT_DATE and SUBSTRING helpers in the scenario editor, DTMF for inbound calls and much more.
Empathy is key to exceptional customer service. Learn how to cultivate empathy within your team, boost customer satisfaction, and create a positive brand image. Discover practical tips and 15 powerful phrases to express empathy effectively and transform your customer interactions.
Discover proven strategies for enhancing remote employee motivation. Learn how clear goals, effective communication, properly selected tech tools, and work-life balance support create a motivated, productive remote team.
How does personalized customer communication drive business growth? Discover key strategies like data collection, segmentation, tailored messaging, technology, and customer-centric culture. Learn how to boost loyalty, retention, and sales with effective personalization!
Boost your food tech app in 2024! Learn 12 in-app content tricks from a study of 5000+ stories. Personalize, gamify, and use cross-channel messaging for user retention.
Explore the top 10 website analytics tools to track traffic, boost engagement, and enhance conversions. From Google Analytics to Hotjar and Mixpanel, discover the best free and paid options for optimizing your site’s performance and driving growth in 2024.
In this digest, we will bring you the latest updates to Voximplant Kit. We have added support for outbound WhatsApp messages, Mobile chats, support for ElevenLabs neural voices, and new automated campaign settings.