How does personalized customer communication drive business growth? Discover key strategies like data collection, segmentation, tailored messaging, technology, and customer-centric culture. Learn how to boost loyalty, retention, and sales with effective personalization!
Empathy is key to exceptional customer service. Learn how to cultivate empathy within your team, boost customer satisfaction, and create a positive brand image. Discover practical tips and 15 powerful phrases to express empathy effectively and transform your customer interactions.
The integration between the Kommo CRM system and the Voximplant Kit cloud omnichannel contact center offers companies new opportunities to enhance customer interaction processes.
OpenAI has launched its beta Realtime API, revolutionizing voice assistants with speech-to-speech interactions, ultra-low latency, and realistic voices. Voximplant’s integration makes it easy to connect calls to OpenAI's models, enabling seamless, human-like conversations with minimal setup.
Discover effective strategies to enhance remote training for cloud contact centres using an LMS. From seamless onboarding to advanced learning modules, see how well-structured training can boost team productivity, engagement, and skill development across all levels.
Looking for the best Zapier alternatives in 2024? Discover 8 powerful tools tailored for various budgets and needs—perfect for workflow automation, data sync, and integrations. Whether you're a small team or a large enterprise, find the right solution to boost efficiency.
Explore the top 10 website analytics tools to track traffic, boost engagement, and enhance conversions. From Google Analytics to Hotjar and Mixpanel, discover the best free and paid options for optimizing your site’s performance and driving growth in 2024.
Explore five powerful ways AI-driven chatbots are transforming the mobile app experience, providing fast, personalized support that meets today’s high customer expectations. From instant messaging to proactive guidance, discover how chatbots boost user satisfaction and retention.