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Tag: security

Expert Opinions on Storing Data in the Cloud

Expert Opinions on Storing Data in the Cloud

According to IDG researchers, 77% of companies today use cloud technology. On the other hand, with increasing popularity, they are becoming more susceptible to cyberthreats. According to Kaspersky Lab, every tenth (10%) leak of data from the cloud was a result of the provider’s actions, while a third of all cyber incidents in the cloud (33%) occurred from employee oversight.

5 Reasons why Voximplant is the Best Choice for Multi-Channel Communication

5 Reasons why Voximplant is the Best Choice for Multi-Channel Communication

In today's fast-paced digital world, communication is more important than ever. With the rise of multi-channel communication, businesses need a reliable platform that can handle a variety of communication channels. That's where Voximplant comes in. Voximplant is a cloud communication platform that offers a wide range of features and capabilities for multi-channel communication. Now, we'll explore reasons why Voximplant is the best choice for multi-channel communication.