VoxImplant helps app developers build better real-time communication apps faster and for our team, real-time communication includes a number of different things. We've started with audio, then we've added video calls and now it's time to let our developers use instant messaging and presence – two very important features of UC stack. We also ready to take care of rosters/contact lists – VoxImplant developers can now integrate full-featured messenger functionality into their apps in minutes. When we've been working on this update we tried to imagine different services our developers could build using these capabilities (for b2b and b2c), so in addition to their personal roster (every app user can create it by himself like in Skype and other messengers) we created application roster – it includes all app users and can be rather useful for b2b apps (something similar to Slack or Lync). In 2017, we updated our messenger API, so please check this link for details and how-to's!