We are happy to reveal a neat update to our iOS SDK.

Previously, Voximplant iOS SDK used CocoaLumberjack for logging and  SocketRocket for transport as external dependencies. These worked well unless projects required static linking. Thus, we’ve decided to remove them as direct dependencies of our SDK.

First, the use_frameworks! Podfile attribute is no longer mandatory to use Voximplant iOS SDK. Remember, if you use this attribute, all of the dependencies distributed as source code will be compiled into dynamic frameworks; otherwise, they will be statically linked.

With the 2.20.0 version, our SDK no longer uses CocoaLumberjack. Now, the iOS SDK uses the built-in logging system.

These decisions not only simplify usage of the SDK, but also give developers the freedom to use any logger of their choice via the VILogDelegate protocol.

Enabling file logging via CocoaLumberjack

With the 2.20.0 version, the file logging functionality has been moved to a separate module. To use it, you have to do the following:

  1. Open your Podfile and change
    pod 'VoxImplantSDK'
    pod 'VoxImplantSDK/CocoaLumberjackLogger'
  2. Instead of calling saveLogToFileEnable, use the writeLogsToFile method.