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Call properties

Use the block to configure the priority and the required set/level of skills that will be taken into account when transferring a call to a queue.


The settings apply only if a call is queued to an agent.

  1. Connect the block using the Out port.
  2. Double-click the Call properties block.
  3. In the Request priority section, set the importance level of the call. The higher the priority, the less time a customer waits for an agent to respond. Note that the setting only applies if you select the Maximum priority checkbox in the Request priority strategy group box.

You can set the request priority manually or get it from a variable.

  • If you select Set value, specify a value from 1 to 10.

  • If you select From variable, enter or select a variable from the drop-down list.

Request priority
  1. In the Skills section, click Add skills and select the abilities and knowledge necessary for handling the call. Specify the proficiency level for the skills. The system will distribute the call based on the agent's skills and proficiency level. For an example of call distribution based on the assigned skills, go here.

You can replace previously assigned skills. This is only possible if the scenario goes through this block again.

Example: A call comes in to an inbound line. Before going through the IVR block, the call is assigned a regular priority and skill. During the call, conditions confirm that the customer is of higher priority than others. As a result, you have to add a new skill, increase the proficiency level, and raise the call priority.

  1. Click Save.