Use this block to articulate the specified text in your scenario. Voximplant Kit supports voice-over from one of the following vendors:
Yandex (Russian, English (USA), Turkish)
Tinkoff (only Russian)
It is necessary to add the speak tag when working with Microsoft.
You can select neural voices in different languages. Neural voices are created based on Neural Text-to-Speech Technology (NTTS). They sound more realistic and natural than standard voices.
To configure the text-to-speech service, do the following:
- On the canvas, connect the block by using the Out port.
- Double-click the Text-to-speech block.
- Select the language from the Synth language field.
- Select one of the voices in the Voice field.
For specific tts-providers, you can also configure the following advanced settings:
Voice pitch - Configure the synthesized voice pitch (Google). Available options: x-low, low, medium, high, x-high, default.
Speech volume - Set the speech volume (Google). Available options: silent, x-soft, soft, medium, loud, x-loud, default.
Speech rate - Set the synthesized speech speed (Google, Yandex). Available options: x-slow, slow, medium, fast, x-fast, default.
Emotions - Configure the synthesized voice sentiment (applicable for specific Yandex voices). Available options: neutral, good, evil.
- Enter the text that should be articulated. You can use SSML-tags to add more realistic features to the voice.
- Click Save.