Using helpers
Helpers are action templates that allow you to transform variables, for example, convert a string into an array, or perform additional data validation, for example, check business hours.
A helper needs to be configured in the Data modification block. For that, create a variable or modify an existing one. As a variable value, you can write both variables and plain values. Use single quotes for plain values.
Available helpers:
Rounds up to a whole number.
Numbers greater than 20 digits, exponential numbers, and strings cause an error.
Format: {{CEIL variable}}
Example, where variable test = 2.344:
{{CEIL 5.344}} >>> 6
{{CEIL test}} >>> 3
{{CEIL -1.1}} >>> -1
Rounds down to a whole number.
Numbers greater than 20 digits, exponential numbers, and strings cause an error.
Format: {{FLOOR variable}}
Example, where variable test = 2.344:
{{FLOOR 5.344}} >>> 5
{{FLOOR test}} >>> 2
{{FLOOR -1.1}} >>> -2
Checks if the current time falls within the specified range. You can use this helper to control the time of placing/forwarding calls, etc. For the helper to work correctly, use it in combination with the Data verification block.
Numbers greater than 20 digits, exponential numbers, and strings cause an error.
Format: {{CHECK_HOURS from to timezone type}}
, where:
From – date range start time (lower threshold)
To – date range end time (upper threshold)
Timezone – timezone
Type – day of the week (the options are all, weekdays, weekends)
A variable with the CHECK_HOURS helper can take the value of 1 or 0.
{{CHECK_HOURS '09:30''19:30''+3''weekdays'}} >>> 1 or 0
In the example, the variable will take the value of 1 on weekdays from 9:30 am to 7:30 pm (timezone +3). In other cases, it will take the value of 0.
Compares two values/variables:
'==' – equal to
'!=' – not equal to
'>' – greater than
'<' – less than
'<=' – less than or equal to
'>=' – greater than or equal to
'&&' – or
'||' – and
The helper can only perform one comparison at a time.
Format: {{#COMPARE v1 operator v2}} if_true {{else}} if_false {{/COMPARE}}
, where:
V1 – what is compared
Operator – operator
V2 – what is V1 compared to
If_true – what if the condition is met
If_false – what if the condition is not met
It is required to explicitly define values returned during comparison (e.g., 'yes' if the condition is met and 'no' in other cases).
{{#COMPAREorder_found\'==\'\'yes\'}} order found {{else}} order not found {{/COMPARE}} >>> order found
Performs math operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division ('/'), exponentiation ('^'), remainder of division ('%'), and trigonometric functions (sin, cos, and tan).
Format: {{#CALC}} equations {{/CALC}}
Variables inside CALC must be in double curly brackets.
The helper cannot perform multiple operations in one variable. Break down the operations into different variables.
Example, where variable price=10:
{{#CALC}} '+'{{price}} * 5'+'{{/CALC}} >>> 50
Converts a date from one format to another.
There are no predefined variables in Voximplant Kit that contain the date in any format. You need to manually create a variable or use external resources.
Format: {{DATE_CONVERT date old_format new_format}}
Available date formats and how they display:
New format | Result |
MM/DD/YY | 01/23/18 |
MM/DD/YYYY | 01/23/2018 |
YY.MM.DD | 18.01.23 |
DD/MM/YY | 23/01/18 |
DD/MM/YYYY | 23/01/2018 |
DD.MM.YY | 23.01.18 |
DD.MM.YYYY | 23.01.2018 |
DD-MM-YY | 23-01-18 |
DD-MM-YYYY | 23-01-2018 |
HH:mm:SS | 12:00:00 |
MM-DD-YY | 01-23-18 |
MM-DD-YYYY | 01-23-2018 |
YY/MM/DD | 18/01/23 |
YYYY/MM/DD | 2018/01/23 |
YYMMDD | 180123 |
YYYYMMDD | 20180123 |
DD MMM | 23 Mar |
DD MMMM | 23 March |
DD MMMM YYYY | 23 March 2018 |
DD MMMM YY | 23 March 18 |
dddd, MMMM D, YYYY | Friday, March 23, 2018 |
HH:mm:ss.SSS | 13:20:00.000 |
M/D/YY | 3/23/18 |
MMM D, YYYY | Mar 23, 2018 |
MMMM D, YYYY | March 23, 2018 |
HH:mm:ss YY/MM/DD | 12:00:00 18/03/23 |
Example, where the original date is 12:00 23.01.2018 and the original format is HH:mm DD.MM.YYYY:
{{DATE_CONVERTorder_data\'HH:mm DD.MM.YYYY\'\'DD/MM/YYY\'}} >>> 25/12/2019
Creates a new array using the values of an old array based on a certain key.
Format: {{PLUCK array key value}}
Example, where variable array_sample = [{"id": 1, "value": "q"}, {"id": 2, "value": "w"}, {"id": 3, "value": "e"}]:
{{PLUCK array_sample 'id'}} >>> [1,2,3]
Filters data by a specific parameter and its value. Returns a new array; the initial data does not change.
Format: {{FILTERBY array key value}}
Example, where variable array_sample = [{"id": 1, "value": "q"}, {"id": 2, "value": "w"}, {"id": 1, "value": "e"}]:
{{FILTERBY array_sample 'id' 1}} >>> [{"id":1,"value":"q"},{"id":1,"value":"e"}]
Finds the first array element that satisfies the provided key value.
Format: {{FINDBY array key value}}
Example, where variable array_sample = [{"id": 1, "value": "q"}, {"id": 2, "value": "w"}, {"id": 3, "value": "e"}]:
{{FINDBY array_sample 'id' 1}} >>> {"id": 1, "value": "q"}
Converts an array to a string with a delimiter.
Format: {{JOIN array separator}}
Example, where variable test = ["summer","autumn","winter","spring"]:
{{JOIN test '|'}} >>> summer|autumn|winter|spring
Displays the length of a string/array.
Format: {{LENGTH str}}
An array with single quotes ['1', '2', '3'] is treated as a string.
Example, where variable test_str = 'text example'; variable test_array = ["apple", "banana", "carrot", "coconut"]; variable test_obj = {"key1": 1, "key2": 2, "key3": 3}:
{{LENGTH test_str}} >>> 12
{{LENGTH test_array}} >>> 4
{{LENGTH test_obj}} >>> 3 (number of keys)
Converts a string to lowercase.
Format: {{LOWERCASE str}}
Example, where variable test = 'WONDERFUL order':
{{LOWERCASE test}} >>> wonderful order
Converts a string to uppercase.
Format: {{UPPERCASE str}}
Example, where variable test = 'WONDERFUL order':
Removes all non-digits from a string.
Format: {{PHONE_FORMAT str}}
Example, where variable test = '+1-474 000 00-00':
{{PHONE_FORMAT test}} >>> 14740000000
Replaces one string value with another.
Format: {{REPLACE str A B}}
If the value you want to replace appears in a string multiple times, it will be replaced everywhere. For example, when you replace 'John' with 'Jack' in a variable that contains 'John Johnson', the result will be 'Jack Jackson'.
Example, where variable test = 'John':
{{REPLACE 'Hello, my name is NAME''NAME'test}} >>> Hello, my name is John
Reverses a string/array.
Format: {{REVERSE variable}}
Example, where variable test_str = 'Some text'; variable test_arr = [1,2,3,4,5]:
{{REVERSE test_str}} >>> txet emoS
{{REVERSE test_arr}} >>> [5,4,3,2,1]
Sorts array values in ascending order. The system first sorts numbers, then letters.
Format: {{SORT array}}
For descending order, use {{SORT array reverse=1}}.
Example, where variable test_array = ['banana', 'apple', 'coconut', 'carrot']:
{{SORT test_array}} >>> ["apple","banana","carrot","coconut"]
{{SORT test_array reverse=1}} >>> ["coconut","carrot","banana","apple"]
Sorts an array by a specific argument in ascending order. Similarly to SORT, use the option reverse = 1 for descending order.
Format: {{SORTBY array key}}
Example, where variable array_sample = [{"id": 1, "value": "z"}, {"id": 2, "value": "a"}, {"id": 1, "value": "x"}]:
{{SORTBY array_sample 'value'}} >>> [{"id":2,"value":"a"},{"id":1,"value":"x"},{"id":1,"value":"z"}]
Converts a string to an array specifying a delimiter.
Format: {{SPLIT str separator}}
Example, where variable test = 'summer;autumn;winter;spring':
{{SPLIT test';'}} >>> ["summer","autumn","winter","spring"]
Cuts a string from a certain start index to a certain end index (optionally).
Format: {{SUBSTRING start end}}
Example, where variable someString = 'some string', cut from 0 to 4 symbol:
{{SUBSTRING someString 0 4}} >>> some
Example, where variable someString = 'some string', cut from 4 symbol:
{{SUBSTRING someString 5 undefined}} >>> string
Returns current date and time in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format with the ability to specify a timezone (if a timezone is not specified, returns current date and time in the account timezone).
Format: {{CURRENT_DATE timezone}}
Example, where timezone = 3:
{{CURRENT_DATE 3}} >>> current date and time in GMT+3 timezone
Example, where timezone is not specified:
{{CURRENT_DATE undefined}} >>> current date and time in the account timezone