Next week we are landing in Amsterdam to spend two saturated days at the APIdays event. The whole thing is build around startegies for implementing CPaaS, UCaaS and other commmunication solutions into customer CRMs as smooth as possible using APIs. Over 600 participants joins the APIdays, so we are expecting great amount of useful content.
Voximplant Alexey Aylarov speaking plan for June 19th:
- 10-00 AM CET – Workshop "Traditional development vs visual programming in CPaaS"
- 2-50 PM CET – Track Session "Intelligent CPaaS with AI-powered capabilities"
- 4-10 PM CET – Panel Discussion about next-gen CPaaS
As you can see, we have quite a busy time there, so, please, follow here and push a Schedule meeting button. This is the easiest way to have a chat with us at the APIdays.
See you there!