We are excited to bring you the latest Voximplant Kit updates to help improve your customer service processes and take them to the next level.

1. New helpers in the scenario editor in the “Data modification” block

  • You no longer need to use a function to get the current date and time, the CURRENT_DATE helper is instead available now
  • The new SUBSTRING helper will help you with a string cutting 

2. New “Groups” filter

While creating and editing Queues and PDS campaigns at the stage of adding agents, a new filter “Groups” is now available, which allows you to quickly find and add a previously created group of agents without searching and selecting them one by one.

3. DTMF for inbound calls

A keypad for extensions became available for inbound calls in the agent's workspace. Previously, DTMF was only available for outbound calls.

4. Filter by chat ID in "History" → "Messages"

In the “History” → “Messages” section, a filter by chat ID has been added to make it easier to find all conversations of a particular user. You can find and copy the chat ID in any conversation with a user.