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Reviewing call history

Voximplant Kit captures the full history of calls.


The Calls history section is available to users with the Manager, Administrator, and Owner roles. Users with the Supervisor role can view their agents' call history. If the Enable access to call history switch is enabled in the general CC or group settings, supervisors and agents can see the history of their own calls.

To view the call history:

  1. Log in to your Voximplant Kit account.
  2. On the left sidebar, click History.
  3. Select the Calls tab.
  4. In the Calendar field, select the call history report date range. You can select one of the predefined values or specify a custom date range.
Call history
  1. The call history table contains the following columns:
  • Time – Indicates the call connection time.

  • Type – Indicates whether the call is outbound or inbound.

  • Call from – Indicates the phone number of the caller.

  • Call to – Specifies the phone number of the callee.

  • Agent – Specifies the name of the agent who handled the call. This field also includes the information on whether the call is an outbound call from the softphone.

  • Queue – Specifies the queue to which the system distributed the call.

  • Dialing – Specifies the time it took the caller to dial the callee till the latter answered the call.

  • Duration – Specifies the duration of the conversation.

  • Record – Click Play to listen to the call audio recording, if any, or copy the link to the clipboard.

  • Price – Displays the price of the call.


This field is not available to users with the Supervisor role.

  • Scenario – Displays the link to the related scenario, if any.


This field is display-only for users with the Supervisor role.

  • Campaign – Displays the campaign name if the call was procecced within a campaign.

  • Attempt result – Displays a call result or a wrap-up code .


The attempt result indicates whether a call was successful and is colored accordingly. A successful call result is colored green. An unsuccessful result is colored red. In Voximplant Kit, there is a number of system call result codes that are recorded in the {{CALL.result_code}} variable. For agent campaign calls, the Attempt result column may contain a wrap-up code, assigned to a call by an agent (if any).

Available system call result codes:


Attempt result

Campaign type



Voicemail detected

Automated and agent campaigns

For automated campaigns, the code defines that the call was redirected to the callee's answer machine. For agent campaigns, the code defines that the call was accepted by an answer machine only if the Voicemail detection switch is enabled in the campaign settings. If the switch is disabled, the call is considered answered.


Initiated by the callee

Automated and agent campaigns

For automated campaigns, the code defines that the callee dropped the call in the scenario. For agent campaigns, the code defines that the customer dropped the call while waiting in the queue for an available agent.


End of the scenario

Automated campaigns

The scenario reached its ending point according to the predifined flow.


The call answered

Automated and agent campaigns

The callee answered the call.


The number is busy

Automated and agent campaigns

The callee was talking on the phone or dropped the call.

408, 487, 500

The callee didn’t answer

Automated and agent campaigns

The destination phone number was switched off.


The call declined

Automated and agent campaigns

The callee did not answer or dropped the call.


Invalid number

Automated and agent campaigns

Incorrect destination phone number.


The callee is unavailable

Automated and agent campaigns

The destination phone number is unavailable (switched off or out of network coverage).


Call not allowed

Automated and agent campaigns

The destination phone number is in the DNC list, dialing not allowed.


No call performed

Automated and agent campaigns

The call was interrupted before reaching the callee.


The call interrupted by the Stop button

Automated campaigns

The call was interrupted by the "Stop" button while testing the scenario. Does not display in the call history.


Failed to reach an agent

Agent campaigns

The campaign failed to reach an agent.


Telecom operator error

Automated and agent campaigns

The campaign failed to reach a customer due to telecom operator issues.

  • Attempts – Displays the actual number of dialing attempts (applicable only for PDS campaigns).

  • Tags – Displays tags added to the conversation.

  • Topics – Displays topics assigned to the call, if any.

  • Notes – Displays conversation notes. Click on the cell to see the list of all notes added to the conversation.

  1. Click on the required call to expand it and review the additional call information.

The additional call information is not available to users with the Supervisor role.

Call info
  1. Click the Action menu icon and select the View call flow option if you want to review how the call went through the scenario. If you need to share the call log with the support team, select Copy log link - the system copies the log link to the clipboard. Click Download record to download the conversation recording to your PC.
Action menu
  1. Click Settings if you need to apply additional filters or customize your call history view.

On the Filters tab, the following filtering options are available:

  • Type (inbound or outbound)

  • Phone (minimum 3 characters)

  • Duration (from 0 to 24 hours)

  • Groups

  • Agents

  • Queues

  • Attempt result

  • Tags

  • Scenarios

  • Campaigns (automated, PDS, or all)

  • Topics

On the View tab, customize your view by selecting the required columns.

  1. Click Pause to disable real-time updating of the call history if needed.
Pause real-time updates
  1. Click the Export button and select how you want to export the call history report:
  • Download the report as an XLS file

  • Download the report as a CSV file

  • Export the report to Tinkoff QM for analysis


The Export to Tinkoff QM option is only available after you have connected and activated an integration with Tinkoff QM. Note that only users with the Owner, Administrator, and Manager roles can export call records to TQM.
