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Call recording

Voximplant allows users to record an audio or video call.

To start a call record, use the call.record() method in your scenario. The record is saved in your Voximplant cloud or your custom S3-compatible storage.

If you need to record video as well as audio, set the video parameter of the call.record() method to true.

Refer to the code example below to understand how it works:

Record an audio or video call

Record an audio or video call

Optionally, you can use the Recorder module to record a call. However, the Recorder module supports only audio recording.

Recorder module example

Recorder module example

Recorder parameters

Copy URL

You can pass one or several parameters to the call.record() method or to the Recorder module to customize your records.

Here are the most common parameters to customize:

  • expire: specifies how long to store the record in the cloud. Can be set to 3 or 6 months, 1, 2, or 3 years

  • contentDispositionFilename: specifies the record filename in the cloud

  • hd_audio: if true, the record is 192kbps/48KHz. The default value is 32kbps/8KHz

  • lossless: if true, saves the record in the flac format

  • stereo: specifies whether the record is stereo or mono

You can find the complete recorder parameters here.

Pass parameters to a recorder

Pass parameters to a recorder

AWS S3-compatible storage

Copy URL

By default, all records are saved in the Voximplant cloud storage. You can use your own AWS S3-compatible storage to store your records. To do so, follow the S3-compatible storage integration guide.

Recorder errors

Copy URL

When you try to access the existing records, you can get the following errors:




The link to the record is broken (Invalid URI)


Authorization failed


Requested range not satisfiable


File not found (e.g. the file is deleted)

When you try to access the record in the S3-compatible storage, you can get another S3-specific errors.

Frequently asked questions

Copy URL

Q: I recorded a call. How do I retrieve the record?
A: Subscribe to the RecordStarted event and copy the e.url property to get the link to your record.