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Features available during a call

Here you can learn what you can do during an active call.


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How to mute the microphone

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During an active call, use the muteMicrophone method to mute your microphone.

How to mute the microphone

How to mute the microphone

Use the unmuteMicrophone method to unmute it.

How to mute the sound

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To mute the sound from all the participants, use the mutePlayback method.

How to mute the sound

How to mute the sound

Use the unmutePlayback method to turn the sound on.

How to hold a call

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You can hold a call and play some music for your interlocutor. To hold a call in a web or mobile application, use the following methods: setActive for Web SDK, setHold for iOS SDK, or hold for Android SDK. Refer to the API Reference for other platforms.

How to hold a call

How to hold a call

To play music to your interlocutor while waiting, you need to process the call scenario. Create a player via the createURLPlayer method and play the file when the OnHold event is triggered. See this scenario example as a reference:

Scenario example

Scenario example

How to send a tone signal

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To send a DTMF signal to the call, use the sendTone method. It accepts the following values: numbers (0-9), *, #.

How to send a DTMF tone

How to send a DTMF tone

To process an incoming DTMF tone to your call, subscribe to the ToneReceived in your scenario

How to send data to the call

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Extra headers

You can send extra headers when you answer or make a call. To send an extra header, add it to the extraHeaders parameter of the callUser method:

Send X-headers while calling

Send X-headers while calling

To send extra headers while answering a call, pass them via the extraHeaders parameter of the Call.answer method:

Send X-headers while answering a call

Send X-headers while answering a call

To receive extra headers after the call is disconnected, get them from the headers property of the call object. See the scenario example below.

Get X-headers after the call

Get X-headers after the call

Send a message

You can send a message during a call. To do this, call the sendMessage method within the Call class. See the code example to understand how it works:

Send a message to the call

Send a message to the call

To receive a message sent to the call, subscribe to the MessageReceived event. Additionally, you can receive extra headers from this event.

The MessageReceived event

The MessageReceived event

You can also use the sendInfo() method to pass SIP INFO messages to the call. It accepts 3 parameters: mime-type, message body, x-headers. Refer to the example to understand how it works:

sendInfo() method usage

sendInfo() method usage

Custom data

Custom data is a property where you can store any additional information. There are two custom data properties:

  • In the VoxEngine instance

  • In the Call object itself

You can use these properties to store a string of up to 2000 characters.

Custom data property usage

Custom data property usage

How to toggle video sending

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You can enable and disable sending video to your call. To do this, use the sendVideo method. Pass false to this method to stop sending video or pass true to this method to resume sending video.

Toggle video sending

Toggle video sending

Please note

If you initialize your SDK with both sendVideo and receiveVideo parameters set to false, you cannot enable video during the call. To be able to toggle sending video, please initialize your SDK with at least the receiveVideo parameter set to true.