Getting started
Greetings and welcome to the Voximplant documentation!
Please use the left menu to navigate through our main sections:
The Getting started section will help you to learn about what we offer and for what platforms, and it will also help you to start building your application, explaining how to add our SDK, connect it to the Voxipmlant cloud, and authorize your user.
The Guides section will be necessary for you, after your application is already connected and running, to implement different functionalities, such as calls, conferences, messages, speech synthesis and recognition, or even an AI assistant.
The API reference section will help you to understand our APIs, including all classes, methods, events, and their parameters and types. The guides and API references are interlinked for your convenience!
If you want to start building your application now, head here. If you want to explore knowledge, use the left menu.
In case of any questions, feel free to contact support, or ask your question on StackOverflow.