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External numbers

To call users outside Voximplant Kit via SIP, you need to add external numbers to use as Caller IDs and associate them with SIP trunks.

  1. Go to the Administration > Numbers > External numbers section.
  2. Click Add number.
  3. In the Number field, enter the number of an external user (the number in SIP URI before host).

SIP URI = sip:x@y:Port, where x = user number and y = host (domain or IP).

  1. Select a SIP trunk from the SIP trunk drop-down list.
  2. Optionally, enter additional information for this external number in the Description field.
  3. Click Add.
Add an external number

Agents can select them as a Caller ID for outbound calls anywhere in Voximplant Kit: automated and PDS campaigns, outbound scenarios, softphone.

For outbound SIP calls, SIP URI will consist of two parts. The first part is the phone number you enter, for example, in the softphone, i.e. the user phone number that will receive the call. The second part is the host to which the call will be launched. This is the host (peer address) of the SIP trunk associated with the external number you selected as a Caller ID.

  1. To edit or delete an external number, select the number, and click the Action menu icon.