Text-to-speech options. Can be passed via the [CallSayParameters.ttsOptions] and TTSPlayerParameters.ttsOptions parameter. See the details in the official specs.
Alternatively, you can pass the speech synthesis parameters to your TTS provider directly in the request parameter in the JSON format.
Read more about passing the parameters directly in the Speech synthesis guide.
Optional. An identifier which selects 'audio effects' profiles that are applied on (post synthesized) text to speech. Effects are applied additionally to each other in the order they are provided.
Available for providers: Google.
emotion: string
| undefined
Optional. Voice sentiment. For Yandex voices, works only for ru_RU voices.
Available for providers: Yandex.
pitch: string
| undefined
Optional. Voice pitch. Acceptable ranges: 1) the numbers followed by "Hz" from 0.5Hz to 2Hz 2) x-low, low, medium, high, x-high, default.
Available for providers: Google.
rate: string
| undefined
Optional. Speech speed. Possible values are x-slow, slow, medium, fast, x-fast, default.
Available for providers: Google, Yandex.
speed: string
| undefined
Optional. Speech speed. Possible values are from "0.1" to "3.0".
Available for providers: Yandex.
volume: string
| undefined
Optional. Speech volume. Possible values are silent, x-soft, soft, medium, loud, x-loud, default.
Available for providers: Google.
yandexCustomModelName: string
| undefined
Optional. If you have a custom Yandex engine voice, specify it in this field. Please contact support to activate this feature for your account.
Available for providers: Yandex.