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This API is in beta and subject to change.

The quality issue level to indicate that an issue is not detected or is resolved.


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This API is in beta and subject to change.

The quality issue level to indicate that an issue may have minor impact on the call quality.

For audio calls it may result in temporary audio artifacts.

For video calls it may result in video artifacts in case of a dynamically changing video stream.


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This API is in beta and subject to change.

The quality issue level to indicate that a detected issue may have a major impact on the call quality.

For audio calls it may result in a corrupted stream (discord or robotic voice) for call participants, audio delays and glitches.

For video calls it may result in significant video artifacts (pixelating, blurring, color bleeding, flickering, noise), one-way/no video stream between the call participants


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This API is in beta and subject to change.

The quality issue level to indicate that a detected issue has a critical impact on the call quality.

In most cases it results in lost media stream between call participants or broken functionality.