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Video contact center

In addition to the usual voice contact center, you can create a video contact center with SmartQueue for your customers.

Set up agents and queues

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You can set up agents and queues the same way you do it for a voice contact center.

Create one or several agents and agents' skills (if necessary). Then set up at least one queue and bind your agent(s) to the queue(s), as it explained in the voice contact center article.

Set up an agent's workspace

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An agent's workspace is a software environment in which an agent makes or receives calls. You can use any SDK to create an agent's workplace. Read more about different SDKs and their initialization here.

In this article there is an example on how to use Web SDK.

When you initialize the SDK, pass the queueType parameter with SmartQueue type.

Set the queueType

Set the queueType

Then you need to implement all the necessary instruments for your agent to use. This depends on your case.

As a minimum setup for a video calls agent, you need:

  • An environment to make and receive video calls

  • A tool to change the agent's status

Please read the article on Processing video calls in SDKs to learn how to create a workplace to make and receive video calls.

Please read the section about SmartQueue agent statuses to understand how agents' statuses work.

Set up a VoxEngine scenario

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To find more information about VoxEngine scenarios and how to create them, see this guide.

The same as for voice contact center, the main goal in the VoxEngine scenario is to process incoming or outgoing tasks and put them in a SmartQueue. You can set up different routing rules to put different calls or implement your own logic how you want to distribute tasks between queues.

To process incoming calls queue, implement your logic in the CallAlerting event and put the call in the queue in this event. To put an task in a queue, use the enqueueTask method.


For a video contact center, you need to pass the call scheme into the enqueueTask method. See the scenario example below.

Video contact center scenario

Video contact center scenario