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Agent skills

SmartQueue agent skills help developers to distribute calls or chats between call center agents who have a specific skill.

For example, you have a skill called "Knows Italian", and attach this skill to all the agents that know the Italian language, and set up skill levels for each agent according to their language level.

Agents possess skills and skill levels. Each skill has a name and a skill level from 1 to 5. To use a skill, you need first to create it in the system, then bind a skill to an existing agent. Each agent can have up to 5 skills.

Create a skill and bind it to an agent

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To create a skill use the SQAddSkill method. You need to specify the application ID and the skill name. Optionally, you can add a comment about this skill (up to 200 characters).

Create a skill

Create a skill

To bind the skill to an agent, use the SQBindSkill method. You need to specify the application ID, the user IDs (separate them by semicolon or use the all keyword to add the skill to all agents), and an array of skills and their levels. Please refer to the code example to see the format:

Bind a skill

Bind a skill

To unbind a skill from an agent, use the SQUnbindSkill method a similar way. Please refer to the following example:

Unbind a skill

Unbind a skill

Modify or delete an existing skill

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To modify a skill's name or description, use the SQSetSkillInfo method. You need the application ID and the skill ID for this operation:

Modify a skill

Modify a skill

To delete an existing skill, use the SQDelSkill method a similar way. Skill deletion also removes the skill from all the agents.

Delete a skill

Delete a skill