Interface that represents error messenger events.
Extends IMessengerEvent which provides service information (action, event type).
Error events always triggered on a client where messaging methods are called.
Error codes and their descriptions:
- 0 - Something went wrong. Please check your input or required parameters.
- 1 - Transport message structure is wrong.
- 2 - Event name is unknown.
- 3 - User is not authorized.
- 8 - Conversation does not exist.
- 10 - Message with this UUID does not exist in the conversation.
- 11 - Message with this UUID is deleted from the conversation.
- 12 - ACL error.
- 13 - User is already in the participants list.
- 15 - Public join is not available for this conversation.
- 16 - Conversation with this UUID is deleted.
- 18 - User validation error.
- 19 - User is not in the participants list.
- 21 - Number of requested objects is 0 or larger than allowed by the service.
- 22 - Number of requested objects is larger than allowed by the service.
- 23 - Message size exceeds the limit of 5000 symbols.
- 24 - The 'seq' parameter value is greater than currently possible.
- 25 - User is not found.
- 26 - The notification event is incorrect.
- 28 - The 'from' field value is greater than the 'to' field value.
- 30 - IM service is not available. Try again later.
- 32 - N messages per second limit reached. Please try again later.
- 33 - N messages per minute limit reached. Please try again later.
- 34 - Direct conversation cannot be public or uber.
- 35 - Direct conversation is allowed between two users only.
- 36 - Passing the 'eventsFrom', 'eventsTo' and 'count' parameters simultaneously is not allowed. You should use only two of these parameters.
- 37 - Adding participant to direct conversation is not allowed.
- 38 - Removing participant from direct conversation is not allowed.
- 39 - Joining direct conversation is not allowed.
- 40 - Leaving direct conversation is not allowed.
- 41 - Specify at least two parameters: eventsFrom, eventsTo, count.
- 44 - Legacy format is not supported.
- 500 - Internal error.
- 10000 - Method calls within 10s interval from the last call are discarded.
- 10001 - Invalid argument(s). | Message text exceeds the length limit.
- 10002 - Response timeout.
- 10003 - Client is not logged in.
- 10004 - Failed to process response.
Gets the error code.
Gets the error description.