Voximplant iOS Kit Chat UI SDK changelog
Photo cache improvements
Performance improvements
Message history is now saved to a local database with an associated client ID and channel UUID; this prevents the display of history from another channel for the same client ID
Fixed: agent’s avatar is displayed with a delay
Fixed: agent’s avatar update is not handled correctly
Fixed: a crash occurs when updating message history
Fixed: messages are resent with a delay
Fixed: navigation bar appears after VIKitChatViewController is closed even if it was previously hidden
SPM: The Voximplant Kit Chat UI SDK is now integrated via a separate Package.swift from the ios-kit-chat-ui-sdk-releases repository
Keyboard behavior improvements
Image and document cache improvements
Fixed: attachments cannot be opened in some cases
Fixed: push token registration immediately after navigating to the chat controller may fail with VIPushNotificationError.internalError
Initial release