HTTP Callbacks allow getting important notifications without frequently sending HTTP requests from your backend to the Voximplant cloud. Instead of creating additional scripts that send requests to our HTTP Management API. It is more practical to rely on the already existing automation features, such as callbacks.
Voximplant offers you a variety of callbacks and, in this article, you will learn how to use MinBalanceCallback. With callbacks, the Voximplant HTTP Management API becomes even more useful in terms of better integration and monitoring.
Voximplant developer account. You can sign up here
Basic knowledge of the Voximplant Management API
A simple backend. In this article, it is a node.js server
Go to the Webhooks section of the Voximplant control panel and click Add. The two boxes appear: Callback URL and Security salt. Technically, only the Сallback URL box is required to enable callbacks while the Security salt box is optional. However, in this article, we check the hash, which is why both boxes should be filled in.

In the Callback URL box, specify the URL of your backend server. The Security salt box can contain cryptographic salt, which is an arbitrary text string of up to 40 characters.
A callback uses the Security salt value to calculate the MD5 hash, which is retrieved by your backend server as part of an AccountCallback JSON object.

When you fill in both boxes, click Save. Now you can use the Voximplant callbacks and check the hash.
The Voximplant cloud sends HTTP POST requests with one or several callbacks to your backend server.
The request body contains a callbacks array with the AccountCallback JSON object. The object has the following fields:
type – a callback type that determines which properties contain data. The min_balance type means MinBalanceCallback
hash – a hash calculated by the Voximplant cloud
сallbackId – a unique number of the callback used to calculate the hash
For more information, see the Management API documentation.
For example, if the balance reaches the specified threshold, the callback list contains a MinBalanceCallback callback. The backend server can do anything with that information: send a letter to your support team, store the alert timestamp, etc. The handlers are up to you — set up any handling rules you want. For illustrative purposes, write a debug message to the server console.
The Voximplant HTTP Management API can communicate with the PHP/Node.js/nginx and other backend solutions. To do that quickly, you can use the Express framework for node.js.
Install node.js and express.js on any server platform (AWS, Azure, or any VDS, etc.). You can also test the solution locally via ngrok, which allows testing demo applications from your local computer without deploying them with a public IP address.
Since you set the Security salt value, it is possible to save it to the backend server to check the hash later. Calculate the hash using the MD5 algorithm:
md5(Security salt + account_id + api_key + callback_id)
The backend server stores the Security salt, account_id, and api_key values. When a callback is triggered, the server receives hash and callback_id. Then the server calculates the hash and compares the calculated value with the received one. If the values match, everything is OK; otherwise, the callback is corrupted or triggered not from the Voximplant cloud.
Create a file with the following backend code:
Make your server communicate with the Voximplant HTTP Management API to get even more control of your account. Receive the alerts on time or check the information manually – the callbacks aid you in keeping the account data close at hand.