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Processing conferences in scenarios

Voximplant supports audio and video conferences with up to 100 participants.

Scenario setup

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Include the Conference module in your scenario. Then use the createConference method to create a conference call.

For a voice conference, when an incoming call arrives, first, answer it, then add it to the conference via the sendMediaBetween method. See the code example below to understand how it works:

Voice conference scenario

Voice conference scenario

For a video conference, answer the incoming call and use the Conference.add method instead. Here is a typical video conference scenario with some extra tools for your convenience. Take a closer look to understand how it works:

Video conference scenario

Video conference scenario

This scenario allows Voximplant SDK users to join the conference call. If you want to have incoming SIP/phone calls into your conference, you need to create another gateway scenario.

The gateway scenario accepts incoming calls from SIP PBX and phone numbers and uses the callConference method to call the conference scenario:

gateway scenario

gateway scenario

Create routing rules for the conference and gateway scenarios. The rule pattern for the conference scenario should be the same string you pass to the callConference method. In our example, it is the conferenceId string.

Video conference

If you are making a video conference, set the video conference flag to true in the routing rule.

After you create routing rules, you can call the application to join the conference.

How to join as a viewer

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You can join an audio or a video conference only as a viewer. Viewers do not send audio and video to the conference, and can only receive audio and video, depending on the conference.

To join a conference as a viewer, use the joinAsViewer method. It accepts two parameters:

  • num: conference number

  • extraHeaders: optional X-headers to pass into the call's INVITE message

joinAsViewer() method example

joinAsViewer() method example

To stop a viewer call, use the ViewerCall.hangup() method.

How to make a call from a conference

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To make a call from a conference, simply call a Voximplant user/a phone number/a sip address as explained in the voice calls article, then handle the Connected event. When the event is triggered, use the sendMediaBetween method for a voice conference and the Conference.add method for a video conference to unite the call with the conference.

Call from a conference

Call from a conference

Frequently asked questions

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Q: Do I understand correctly that I can reuse the scenario for multiple conferences?
A: Correct. You can use one scenario for multiple conferences if the conference logic is the same.

Q: How many participants per conference does your platform support?
A: The web limit is 50 participants per conference. The more participants are, the heavier the load on your hardware because your device needs to render bigger numbers of incoming video streams. On common devices, conferences up to 10-15 participants are working fine.

Q: What platforms do your conferences support?
A: You can find the information about SDKs and browsers in the Supported platforms article.

Q: Do you have any Voximplant-based conferences in AppStore or PlayMarket?
A: Unfortunately, we do not have any information about such applications.

Q: How do I terminate a conference?
A: Use the VoxEngine.terminate to terminate the JS session and the conference. If you need to terminate the session after a certain period, use the SetTimeout function.