Dialogflow one click telephony connector

Expand your bot’s functionality and capabilities with the help of Voximplant advanced telephony.
Dialogflow one click telephony connector

Improve your Dialogflow bot with powerful telephony

Go global with a single bot. Connect numbers or send SMS in more than 60 countries to your Dialogflow ES or CX bot with the help of native one-click integration with Voximplant.

Improve your Dialogflow bot with powerful telephony

Greatest flexibility, native usability and full control

Get the most of the integration. Use both outbound and inbound telephony right after connection or tune up additional logic of customer conversation. Natively integrate Dialogflow engine into Voximplant telephony so you can easily create rich, natural conversations with or without live agent.

Enhance Dialogflow capabilities and obtain control over dialog flow. Enrich your conversation with Voximplant telephony features, break the rules, don't limit yourself.

Greatest flexibility, native usability and full control

Unlock the full power of NLU and customer convenience synergy

Extend your bot’s abilities while keeping the same integrations and freely exchange information between Dialogflow and Voximplant.

Don’t limit yourself, choose your own voice synthesis and speech recognition provider — Google, or any other if you want.

Unlock the full power of NLU and customer convenience synergy

Works for both Dialogflow ES and CX

With VoxImplant DIalogflow connector you don’t have to pay more or rebuild your current bot.

PSTN and SIP connectivity

Call transfer control

Send Dialogflow events

Speaker barge-in and playback interruption

DTMF processing

No audio input detection

Set and use parameters

Inbound, outbound, and conference connectivity options

Special pricing promotion for 2023

Get the best available price on the market in 2023 after speaking with sales.

Special pricing promotion for 2023

Customer Story

Explore what companies similar to yours have built with Voximplant.

COVID-19 Vaccination Appointments


  • 75% of respondents sign up for vaccination
  • 8K appointments are scheduled per week
  • 100% of initial calls are made by a voicebot
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